Hand Washing
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Mastering the Art of Hand Washing in Healthcare Settings
Proper hand washing is a fundamental practice in healthcare to prevent the spread of infections. While alcohol gels are convenient for quick sanitizing, thorough hand washing with soap and water is essential for deep cleansing. Here, we demonstrate the NHS-approved technique for effective hand washing.
Preparation for Hand Washing
- Ensure access to a water supply, soap, and paper towels.
- Remove all rings except for a plain wedding band, if applicable.
Detailed Hand Washing Steps
- Start by wetting your hands, covering all areas from wrists to fingertips.
- Apply a generous amount of soap and lather well.
- Position 1: Rub your hands together in circular motions for at least five times.
- Position 2: Place one hand over the back of the other, interlacing fingers. Repeat the motion five times, then switch hands.
- Position 3: Rub the palms of your hands together with fingers interlaced, repeating five times for each hand.
- Thumb Cleaning: Use a circular motion to clean each thumb, ensuring thorough coverage.
- Wrist Washing: Clean each wrist with gentle rotating movements.
- Fingertip Cleaning: Interlock your fingers and rub the fingertips of both hands against each other.
- Rinse your hands thoroughly under running water, ensuring all soap is removed.
- Dry your hands completely with a paper towel.
- Use your elbow or a clean paper towel to turn off the tap.
- Dispose of the used paper towel in the bin.
Remember, the key to effective hand washing is thoroughness and regular practice. By following these steps, healthcare professionals can significantly reduce the risk of infection transmission.
Learning Outcomes:
- IPOSi Unit one LO2.1, 2.2 & 2.3
- IPOSi Unit one LO3.2
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