Medical Masks
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Guidelines for Using Medical Masks During COVID-19
Medical masks, primarily intended for healthcare professionals, are now increasingly utilized by the general public amidst the recent Coronavirus outbreak.
Preparation Before Applying a Mask
Before wearing a mask:
- Hand Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol hand gel.
- Mask Inspection: Check the mask for any defects or damage.
- Proper Orientation: Ensure the mask is worn with the correct side up and facing the right direction.
- Avoid Touching Face: Refrain from touching your face while wearing the mask to prevent contamination.
Removing the Mask
When taking off the mask:
- Hand Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly and use alcohol hand gel to prevent transferring infections to your face.
- Safe Disposal: Dispose of the mask properly after removal.
- Hand Hygiene Again: Wash hands again after removing the mask.
Following these guidelines ensures proper usage and disposal of medical masks, contributing to effective infection prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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