How to Reduce Your Risk
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Strategies to Minimize Contact with Infectious Materials
This course provides guidance on standard precautions and measures to reduce the risk of coming into contact with infectious materials in the workplace.
Standard Precautions in Workplaces
Essential safety measures to follow:
- Treat all bodily fluids as potentially infectious.
- Adhere to your employer’s Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure control plan.
- Understand the training requirements, work practice controls, and procedures for exposure incidents.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Using PPE effectively:
- Includes gloves, masks, eye protection, aprons, and CPR shields.
- Know the location and correct usage of PPE in your workplace.
Additional Steps to Reduce Infection Risk
Further precautions to take:
- Avoid eating, drinking, smoking, or handling contact lenses in exposure-prone areas.
- Handle laundry and trash according to facility procedures, using PPE as required.
Safe Handling of Needles and Sharps
Best practices for needle and sharp object disposal:
- Use puncture-resistant containers for disposal.
- Follow the Needle Sticks Prevention Act and one-handed recap method, if necessary.
Responsibilities for Handling Specimens
Compliance with Health and Safety regulations:
- Follow Health and Safety at Work Act and COSHH regulations.
- Consult carriers, royal mail, and government websites for specimen transport regulations.
Posting Pathological Material
Guidelines for sending infectious materials:
- Ensure compliance with Post Office regulations.
- Use screw-cap plastic containers to minimize leakage or breakage.
By following these guidelines, risks associated with handling infectious materials can be significantly reduced in various work environments.
Recommended Products For You
Sharps Box 11.5ltr
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Sharps Box 1 litre
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CPR Pocket Mask in Box - Oxygen
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Nitrile Gloves Medium - Box of 100
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Eyewash Pods 20ml Pack of 5
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