Types of Infections
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Types of Microorganisms and Their Role in Infections
This guide provides an overview of the different types of microorganisms and their significance in the spread of infections, highlighting the importance of effective infection control practices.
1. Bacteria
Understanding bacteria:
- Extremely small, single-celled organisms, visible only under a microscope.
- Some bacteria are beneficial, aiding in digestion and food production.
- Others can cause diseases and are susceptible to varying degrees to antibiotics.
2. Viruses
Characteristics of viruses:
- Smaller than bacteria and require living cells to grow.
- Not treatable with antibiotics, but some anti-viral drugs are available.
- Responsible for diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS.
3. Pathogenic Fungi
Types of fungal infections:
- Includes moulds and yeasts, such as those causing ringworm and thrush.
4. Protozoa
Protozoan infections:
- Microscopic organisms larger than bacteria.
- Spread through ingestion, sexual transmission, or insect vectors.
- Responsible for diseases like malaria.
5. Worms
Impact of pathogenic worms:
- Can cause infections and spread between individuals.
- Examples include threadworm and tapeworm.
6. Prions
Nature of prions:
- Infectious protein particles causing diseases like vCJD.
This comprehensive understanding of microorganisms is essential for implementing effective infection control measures in various settings.
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