Infection Control for Healthcare Level 2 (VTQ)

55 videos, 2 hours and 36 minutes

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Cleaning a Bed and Mattress

Video 34 of 55
2 min 42 sec
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Cleaning Care Beds and Mattresses

Importance of Disinfection

Disinfecting care beds and mattresses is crucial to lower the risk of infection. All parts of the bed, including wheels and underneath the mattress, must be thoroughly cleaned.

Instances Requiring Enhanced Cleaning

There are specific cases that necessitate an enhanced cleaning approach, which involves cleaning at least twice daily:

  • During or after an outbreak or rise in infections.
  • When a patient with a known infection is moved from the bed due to transfer, discharge, or death.
  • After serious bodily fluid contamination.

Daily Inspection and Cleaning Protocol

All beds must be inspected daily for signs of soiling or fluid contamination. If discovered, immediate cleaning is required, as well as between patients using the same bed.

Cleaning ideally occurs when the patient is not in bed. If cleaning while the patient is present, explain the process to them to avoid confusion or anxiety.

Regular cleaning of beds and mattresses should occur at least weekly if no other cleaning takes place.

Procedure for Cleaning a Bed

  1. Wash hands thoroughly and wear PPE including gloves and an apron.
  2. Prepare cleaning materials.
  3. Adjust bed height to a suitable level and clear surrounding space.
  4. Remove bedding and dispose in correct bag.
  5. Using suitable disinfectant wipes, clean bed and mattress from top to bottom, working downwards.
  6. When cleaning the mattress, use an "S" shaped motion for thorough coverage.
  7. Flip mattress to clean both sides and ends.
  8. Clean the entire bed, including remote control units.
  9. Allow mattress to dry and return bed to original position.
  10. Dispose of used cleaning equipment safely, clean and dry other apparatus.
  11. Remove PPE and wash hands again.
  12. Record cleaning details in appropriate documentation.