Infection Control for Healthcare Level 2 (VTQ)

55 videos, 2 hours and 36 minutes

Course Content

Exposure Incident, Reporting and Follow Up

Video 50 of 55
3 min 22 sec
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Managing Exposure Incidents to Bloodborne Pathogens

Understanding Exposure Incidents

An exposure incident occurs when mucous membranes, broken skin, or punctures come into contact with blood or potentially infectious materials during work duties.

  • Immediate Actions: If exposed, decontaminate the affected area, seek medical treatment, and report the incident to your supervisor.
  • Medical Evaluation: Seek immediate confidential medical evaluation and follow-up by a physician.

Reporting and Documentation

There is a Two-Hour Rule for incident reporting:

  • Complete necessary forms within two hours after the incident, prioritising medical treatment over paperwork.

Post-Exposure Treatment

Healthcare workers exposed to HBV or HIV should receive appropriate post-exposure treatment:

  • Consider preventative treatments for high-risk exposures to HIV to minimize infection risks.
  • Employers should have an exposure control plan outlining prevention, treatment, and follow-up protocols.

Healthcare Provision and Support

  • Ensure designated doctors are available for immediate advice on exposure incidents.
  • Offer information, counselling, and psychological support to employees at risk of bloodborne virus (BBV) infection.
  • Regular testing for HIV, HBV, and HCV infections should be considered post-exposure.

Employer Responsibilities

  • Employers must ensure Occupational Health services are equipped to expedite infection-preventing medications.
  • Designated physicians should stay updated on guidelines for post-exposure treatments, including hepatitis B vaccination and antiretroviral drugs for HIV.

After-Hours Support

Ensure a designated person is available outside normal working hours with access to policies on exposure management.