Waste Disposal
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Proper Waste Disposal Procedures
Importance of Correct Waste Disposal
Correct disposal of waste is crucial to prevent legal issues and minimise infection risks:
- Legal Compliance: Improper disposal can lead to legal consequences.
- Infection Risk: Poor disposal can pose health risks to anyone handling the waste.
Proper Handling Guidelines
Follow these guidelines to ensure safe and effective waste management:
- Avoid Overfilling: Overfilled containers can lead to injuries or bursting of bags.
- Secure Sealing: Plastic bags should be securely sealed with zip ties; solid containers must be tightly closed.
- Labelling: All waste containers must be labelled accurately:
- Sharps boxes should be dated and labelled with relevant information.
- Bags or boxes must include practice address, start and seal dates, and sealer's name.
Traceability and Consignment Notes
Traceability ensures accountability in waste disposal:
- Consignment Note: Produced by the waste producer, accompanies the waste to the incineration plant.
- Waste Carrier: Transported by a registered carrier to a licensed incineration facility.
- Return Documentation: Periodic returns from the incinerator to verify proper disposal and compliance.
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