Testing and Counselling

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Testing for Bloodborne Virus Infections: Source Patient Information

Obtaining Information from Source Patients

A designated doctor must gather information from or about the source patient regarding potential indicators of bloodborne virus infections, including risk factors and previous HIV and Hepatitis test results.

Consent for Testing

The source patient should consent to testing for bloodborne virus infections, including HIV, HBV, and HCV. This requires:

  • Pre-Test Discussion: Provide comprehensive information about the testing procedure.
  • Informed Consent: Ensure the source patient gives fully informed consent for testing.

Decision Making in Testing

Occasionally, decisions on testing may involve balancing the health interests of the exposed healthcare worker against those of the source patient:

  • Guidance Consideration: Refer to the General Medical Council's guidance on serious Communicable Diseases.
  • Justification: The doctor must justify their decision based on the circumstances.