Infection Control for Healthcare Level 2 (VTQ)

55 videos, 2 hours and 36 minutes

Course Content

Course introduction

Video 1 of 55
2 min 15 sec

Welcome to the ProTrainings Online Infection Control Course

Course Overview

Target Audience: Ideal for anyone in the healthcare sector.

Course Features

Learning Path: Watch videos, answer knowledge review questions, and take a completion test.

Flexibility: Start, stop, and resume the course at your convenience.

Device Compatibility: Accessible on any device—computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Video Pinning: Pin videos to the top of your screen to read accompanying text.

Supportive Features: Text on each page and subtitles available via the CC icon.

Assistance: Additional help available for incorrect answers during assessments.

Completion and Certification

After Passing: Receive completion certificate, certified CPD statement, and evidenced-based learning statement.

Validation: QR code on certificates for easy validation.

Additional Resources

Support: Access resources and links from the course homepage.

Course Updates: Regular updates with new materials.

Extended Access: Course access for 8 months even after passing the test.

Company Solutions

Free Dashboards: Explore free company dashboards for staff training solutions.

Contact Us: Reach out via email, phone, or online chat for more information.

Support Commitment: Complete support throughout your online training experience.

Stay Updated

Weekly Updates: Receive Monday morning emails with skill refreshers, new videos, and blog news.

Subscription Management: Opt-in or opt-out of emails as per your preference.


We hope you find this course enriching and valuable. Thank you for choosing ProTrainings for your training needs. Best of luck!