Infection Control for Healthcare Level 2 (VTQ)

55 videos, 2 hours and 36 minutes

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Understanding Monkeypox: Risks, Symptoms, and Prevention

What is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a rare infection primarily found in parts of West and Central Africa, transmitted by wild animals.

Risk of Monkeypox in the UK

The risk of contracting Monkeypox in the UK is very low:

  • You are unlikely to have Monkeypox if you have not travelled recently to West or Central Africa or had close contact with an infected person.
  • The infection is believed to spread through rodents such as rats, mice, and squirrels, transmitted via bites or contact with their bodily fluids, spots, or scabs.
  • Ingesting undercooked infected meats or handling products from infected animals may also pose a risk.

Prevention Tips

To reduce the risk of Monkeypox:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
  • Only consume meats that have been cooked thoroughly.
  • Avoid contact with wild or stray animals, especially those that appear unwell.
  • Do not share bedding or towels with individuals who may have Monkeypox.
  • Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of Monkeypox.

Symptoms o